Export Compliance E-Learning

at Excelerate

About Excelerate

Excelerate is a U.S. company who focuses on international business associated with the  high technology areas of defense and aerospace.  Our base is in engineering so we have a  unique perspective in understanding the technologies we support when satisfying the wide range of export compliance requirements. Our export compliance program includes licensing and agreements, training, classifications, and beyond we keep you on the right side of the ITAR and EAR with our Export Compliance E-Learning LMS platform. We support companies just beginning to work internationally to those that have an established and active presence throughout the world. Our international customers reach out to us for technical solutions and support in establishing a presence to  engage in export controlled business initiatives in the United States.

We pride ourselves in being responsive and adapt quickly to changing requirements.  Many customers use us as their international business coordinators while others reach out as needed.  We work with non-U.S. customers to identify solutions and provide engineering support.  International business is what we do all day, every day, under the requirements ITAR and EAR.

Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can be of assistance.

Export Compliance Training

Export Compliance Training wasn't something that Excelerate considered being a key compliance activity when we started back in 2004 but it certainly has turned out that way.  It seems that typical export compliance training activities what to overwhelm you with the small nuances, in bloated multiple day seminars.  Nothing good comes from hours and hours of unfocused information.

Our approach is different since we take a practical and logical approach to training.  We provide the export compliance requirements then work with you to figure out the best way to satisfy the requirements within your organization - much like we do in our everyday work.

Based on experience, what we provide on this site is a set of videos for administrators, employees, and new hires to gain the necessary knowledge to remain on the right side of the ITAR and EAR export requirements.  No scare tactics or a bunch of information that only a few will need to every know but rather the background information and a focused set of requirements that must be followed to remain compliant with the ITAR and EAR.

We've done hundreds of licenses and agreements, export classified a wide range of commodities, been involved with numerous business adventures, and process many voluntary disclosures.  This direct, practical, experience is evident in the way we approach our export compliance training which you will appreciate when watching the videos.

Ex Training 1

Have more questions?

Reach out and let us know how we can help - we enjoy hearing from you!

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